
Goddess Laxmi Dhanteras Quotes English

Goddess Laxmi Dhanteras Quotes English,Dhanteras Quotes In English,Dhanteras Quotes In English For Facebook,Happy Diwali Dhanteras Quotes In English.

1. May Godde$$ Laxm! $hower Her Ble$$!ng$ Upon U.

2. May God Kuber W!ll Fulf!ll Your All W!$he$.

3. May The Dh@nter@$ $hower You W!th We@lth & Pro$per!ty A$ U Journey Toward$ Greater $ucce$$.

4. May The Dhanter@$ Celebrat!on$ Endow U W!th Opulence & Pero$per!ty Happ!ne$$ Come$ At Your $tep$ W!$h In Many Br!ght Future !n Your L!fe.

!!!!!  Happy Dhantera$  !!!!!